Los límites de la tolerancia

martes, enero 30, 2007

What is atheism?

Atheism is not to blame God for anything at all, said somebody on television once. And I really think so. Many people live as if God did not exist, though they say otherwise. The divine set of rules which are usually called commandments are, therefore, to be applied to the others, while we go to our own business. This is quite hypocritical, I think. But there are certrain people who really live as if God did not exist, and they never mention him. They are referred to as agnostics, that is to say the ones who would not speak about it. And in the end of this scale there are the people who do say that God does not exist. Theists say that there is a belief in that thing, that God does not exist. Therefore, it is a sort of counter-faith. They claim you cannot prove whether God exists or he does not exist. Well, you cannot prove that the infinite number --that lying eight-- exists or does not exist. Conceded. But, still believing that the infinite number exists costs me no money at all. It gives me no consolation or fear. My life is as comfortable --or uncomfortable-- whether there is such a number or not. On the other hand, no number exists. Numbers, as any other mathematical objects, are only theoretical entities, the smell, weigh or even the colour of which nobody has ever seen or taken notice of. So, the very existence of our civilisation, the Western one, is based on this belief, that a sort of Super God exists. The only one. The vengeful. However, the loving one. I do not believe in that. I have not believed in him for the last twenty years or so. No mortal illness or extreme bad luck has finished me over. Not yet, at least. I might disappear soon, I concede, but I do not think it will be because of a vengeful God. But as man is more learned, it is more common the idea that we have no mission in the universe, and that we appared as a mere accident, so we just enjoy our lives, minding our own businesses without stepping on anybody's toes. That is the good way to a long life. And also, to atheism. Tomorrow I will be back. :)

jueves, enero 11, 2007

Ateísmo y tolerancia.

Llevo varios meses sin escribir en mi bitácora. Estos meses he estado, sin embargo, ocupado en otros menesteres. He descubierto una lista de correo interesante, dedicada al ateísmo. Se llama Cyberateos, y tiene su página informativa en http://www.cyberateos.org. Os aconsejo visitarla. Muchos ven el ateísmo como algo que no es de fiar. Sin embargo el ateísmo no es patrimonio de los quemaiglesias, al igual que la Iglesia Católica no es sólo la Inquisición. Hay gente que ha llegado al ateísmo mediante un proceso racional, intentando explicarse el mundo. Cosa nada fácil, ciertamente. Uno puede llegar a la conclusión de que este mundo no necesariamente tiene que tener un sentido. Ni la vida misma. Que somos producto de una serie concatenada de procesos, no de un plan universal. Pero eso no tiene porqué ser deprimente. Yo lo encuentro maravilloso. Por eso debemos ser tolerantes. Pensemos lo que pensemos. Porque al tolerar a los demás estamos sembrando la posibilidad de que los demás nos dejen ser lo que queremos, que nos toleren aunque no pensemos como ellos. Aunque no afirmemos la existencia de un ser superior, creador y rector del universo. Nosotros creamos y regimos nuestro propio universo. Aunque vivamos en el de todos. Mañana intentaré volver por aquí. Un saludo.